Apply for community grant: Personal project

by bofenghuang - opened

Hi @reach-vb @sanchit-gandhi ,

Thank for your support during this great event!

I've also fine-tuned some whisper models on German and here is the demo.

For the moment the best fine-tuned medium model got the following WERs on MCV 11.0

  • 7.20% greedy

Here are the WERs reported in the paper on MCV 9.0

  • 8.5% with whisper-medium
  • 6.4% with whisper-large-v2

Right now the inference is taking so long on 2 CPUs, I'm wondering if you could grant GPU to this space. I will upload my large checkpoint when it's finished and wish to test it with this space.

Thanks in advance :)

Hi @sanchit-gandhi @reach-vb ,

Here are the new results of the fine-tuned models, compared with the WERs of pre-trained models reported in the paper.

Below are the WERs of the pre-trained models on the Common Voice 9.0. These results are reported in the original paper.

Below are the WERs of the fine-tuned models on the Common Voice 11.0.

@bofenghuang - WOW! This is brilliant. Lovely to see this work so well :)
We've assigned you a GPU. The grant will go on till the end of the week. All the best!

bofenghuang changed discussion status to closed

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