[Support] Community Articles

by victor HF staff - opened
Blog-explorers org

Share you feedback and questions about the community Articles feature.

victor pinned discussion
Blog-explorers org

Is this the same as community blog posts?

Blog-explorers org

Yes with some nice updates coming!

Blog-explorers org
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Blog-explorers org

I just finished my first blog on blog-explores: https://huggingface.co/blog/xingxm/svgdreamer
I'm enjoying it. Thank you for everything! ❤️

Blog-explorers org

Great @xingxm I 💜 SVGs!

Blog-explorers org

wow, much nicer New Article page 🔥:


Kudos to @enzostvs for shipping this

Blog-explorers org

@xingxm small typo in your Article title: guied => guided

Blog-explorers org

One potential improvement to the editor is having the "Edit" and "Preview" tabs locked on top and always visible. When editing long articles, I have to scroll back and forth every time I want to see how the new section looks.

Blog-explorers org

In the preview, the video looks broken. But I don't know what it will look like after publishing. I'm not there yet =)



Blog-explorers org

One potential improvement to the editor is having the "Edit" and "Preview" tabs locked on top and always visible. When editing long articles, I have to scroll back and forth every time I want to see how the new section looks.


Blog-explorers org

@julien-c Thank you very much for your careful inspection~

Blog-explorers org

Thank you very much for your careful inspection~

That's what i do 🧐 haha 😁

Blog-explorers org

Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask this.
How do I add multiple authors in my blog?
Also, is there a way to share an editable link with co-authors?

Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 23

I just published my first blog :tada: https://huggingface.co/blog/cognitivetech/samantha-mistral-instruct-7b-bulleted-notes

It was an enjoyable experience. a few minor issues noted above, by others. I look forward to seeing the evolution of this feature

one thing would be great if I can add posts to collections, and \or pin posts to a collection.. would be a good way to keep logically related content accessible


Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 31

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 8.57.58 PM.png
Hey guys, I am unable to author any new blogs anymore.
Also, unable to edit my old blogs.
It says I don't have permissions.
Can someone help here?
In the blog explorers org, it shows me that join request is sent (see below screenshot). Am I even a part of this org? If not, then how am I able to write any blogs?
cc: @julien-c @victor

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 9.02.33 PM.png

Blog-explorers org

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 8.57.58 PM.png
Hey guys, I am unable to author any new blogs anymore.
Also, unable to edit my old blogs.
It says I don't have permissions.
Can someone help here?

Not from HF, but looks like you’ve been removed from the org

Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 31

I don't think so @mrfakename it always showed me that my join request was sent, never showed me that I am part of the org.
@julien-c , @victor seeking some help here :)

also looking at my previous post from a few days back here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/blog-explorers/README/discussions/5#65fcdd68a0305298121e43d6 (the blog explorers org title is missing next to my name)
Have I ever been part of the org?
How do I fix this?
There are some updates we want to make to our blog and I am unable to do that

Blog-explorers org
edited Mar 31

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 9.33.44 PM.png
I think I might be the only one not a part of blog explorers org but who has still authored 2 blogs :D
whats the fix for this?

Blog-explorers org

Similar thing happened to me once, tried logging out and signing in again?

Blog-explorers org

Tried @mrfakename , didnt fix it for me

I thought this was just me. This happened to me as well. I honestly thought that perhaps it was because some of my blog articles were not academic or pure research oriented enough. I promise to only post research related articles if allowed to again. I have a lot of research.

Blog-explorers org
Blog-explorers org

@victor light ping again. seeking a fix for this.
Apparantly @TuringsSolutions is also facing same issue.

Blog-explorers org
edited Apr 1

We'll look into this, sorry for the issue!

Blog-explorers org

Thanks @osanseviero :)

Blog-explorers org

forgot to post here, but this was fixed!

report here if that's not the case <3

Blog-explorers org

yes, its fixed. thanks Julien :)

Blog-explorers org

not an issue but here is some feedback:

  • can we add a button somewhere to save blog posts in collections (I love rereading some blog posts since they have some interesting info)
    *we should move the content table to the far left to stop it from shadowing the writing?
  • also why do we have a button for this, can we make it open 24/7?
  • I think the content table was scrolling down with me before, not sure why this feature was disabled


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