What I've been working on thanks to this space

by AlekseyCalvin - opened

Ada Lovelace, from an 1850's daguerrotype I also colorized:

Three early photographer friends playing dominoes on a terrace, by Gustave Le Grey, 1847, colorized by me:

Arthur Rimbaud (right) and another communard during the Paris commune:

Village on the water, 1840s, colorized by me:

Charles Baudelaire, from an archive of Atelier Nadal, colorized by me:

A stage actor, from an archive of Atelier Nadal, colorized by me:

Pierrot actor, from an archive of Atelier Nadal, colorized by me:

Four early photographers on the terrace, 1847, colorized by me:

And I have many many more where these came from. Thanks for having this space! It has been profoundly helpful. Now, please restart it, if at all possible and convenient. I am well aware of the alternatives. Yet, the relative accessibility of this space and the expedience enabled by several concurrently usable public implementation have been instrumental in fostering the sheer scope of what I've been able to work with and try.

With warmest regards,
A.C.T. soon

Wow, these are fantastic! Thanks so much for showing your work. I especially like the historiccal photos that you made into works of art with color and video. Deeply appreciated. I will keep this active and I am very thankful for your kind words and usefulness you showed - Way to go. --Aaron

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