Aaron C Wacker PRO


AI & ML interests

AGI and ML Pipelines, Ambient IoT AI, Behavior Cognitive and Memory AI, Clinical Medical and Nursing AI, Genomics AI, GAN Gaming GAIL AR VR XR and Simulation AI, Graph Ontology KR KE AI, Languages and NLP AI, Quantum Compute GPU TPU NPU AI, Vision Image Document and Audio/Video AI


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✨🚀 Claude Sonnet 3.5 API. It's already weaving digital magic!
🧠💻 Try it at my space: 🔗 awacke1/AnthropicClaude3.5Sonnet-ACW

Kudos to @AnthropicAI for this elegant API! 👏 #AI #CodeMagic #AnthropicAI Thanks Huggingface for hosting the best hub in the world for AI development!