Claude 3 Opus Revisions Now

by awacke1 - opened

Starting testing on the Claude 3 AI by Anthropic and getting better results for general requests to add and change it. So far its still new but getting a feel on how it is different than GPT. One thing I notice is the code is simpller yet still works and the creative additions are a bit more high ffidelity where it does for example six or seven of a pattern rather than one or two. It also seems to lack the terrible fact that sometimes GPT will be brief and omit code portions when code gets long. That has not happened to me yet so while its still too soon to tell, the Claude3 opus output seems better than latest GPT for what I am using it to do here: fix this program so as I adjust the slider make the width and height equal to that number of emojis and reset rerandomizing the layout. Also for the buttons and drop down change it to make those four buttons for direction and then one button in the middle (like a cross) with North on top South on Bottom, West on Left, East on right, and Stop in the middle. Use those as button names too. Have the buttons work the same as changing the drop down. Also add more landscapes and different new emojis to expand ones which look like landscape for my emoji tilemap: import streamlit as st

import numpy as np

Helper functions for number theory-based emoji placement

def is_prime(n):

if n <= 1:

    return False

for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):

    if n % i == 0:

        return False

return True

def fib_sequence(n):

fib_seq = [0, 1]

while fib_seq[-1] + fib_seq[-2] <= n:

    fib_seq.append(fib_seq[-1] + fib_seq[-2])

return fib_seq[2:]  # Exclude first two numbers for this use case

Expanded set of emojis for landscape elements

emoji_set = ["🌲", "🌳", "πŸƒ", "🌲", "🌿", "πŸ„", "🏠", "🏰", "πŸ—Ό", "πŸ›€οΈ", "🌊", "🏞️", "🌁", "🌾", "🏜️", "🏝️", "πŸ›–", "πŸ›€οΈ", "πŸ›£οΈ", "πŸ•οΈ", "πŸŒ‹", "⛰️", "🧱", "🌡", "🍁", "🌼", "🌻", "🌺", "🏑", "πŸ—ΊοΈ"]

Locations and emoji grid maps initialization

def initialize_locations(size):

"""Initialize different locations with unique emoji grids."""

# Placeholder for location initialization logic

# Randomly fill grids with emojis from emoji_set for each location

np.random.seed(42)  # Optional: for reproducible emoji distributions

locations = {

    'forest edge': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),

    'deep forest': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),

    # Additional locations can be added here


return locations

Directions for movement

directions = {"North": (-1, 0), "South": (1, 0), "West": (0, -1), "East": (0, 1)}

Movement and emoji map update functions

def move_emojis(locations, current_location, direction):

"""Shift emojis in the specified direction with wrap-around for the current location."""

dx, dy = directions[direction]

locations[current_location] = np.roll(locations[current_location], shift=(dx, dy), axis=(0, 1))

return locations

Streamlit application setup

def main():

st.title("Explore the Emoji World")

size = st.sidebar.slider("Grid Size", 5, 40, 10)

if 'locations' not in st.session_state:

    st.session_state.locations = initialize_locations(size)

current_location = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select location", options=list(st.session_state.locations.keys()))

emoji_map = st.session_state.locations[current_location]

map_str = "\n".join(["".join(row) for row in emoji_map])


direction = st.sidebar.selectbox("Move direction", ["None", "North", "South", "East", "West"])

if direction != "None":

    st.session_state.locations = move_emojis(st.session_state.locations, current_location, direction)


if name == "main":


import streamlit as st
import numpy as np

Helper functions for number theory-based emoji placement

def is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
return False
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True

def fib_sequence(n):
fib_seq = [0, 1]
while fib_seq[-1] + fib_seq[-2] <= n:
fib_seq.append(fib_seq[-1] + fib_seq[-2])
return fib_seq[2:] # Exclude first two numbers for this use case

Expanded set of emojis for landscape elements

emoji_set = ["🌲", "🌳", "πŸƒ", "🌲", "🌿", "πŸ„", "🏠", "🏰", "πŸ—Ό", "πŸ›€οΈ", "🌊", "🏞️", "🌁", "🌾", "🏜️", "🏝️", "πŸ›–", "πŸ›€οΈ", "πŸ›£οΈ", "πŸ•οΈ", "πŸŒ‹", "⛰️", "🧱", "🌡", "🍁", "🌼", "🌻", "🌺", "🏑", "πŸ—ΊοΈ", "πŸŒ…", "πŸŒ„", "πŸ™οΈ", "πŸ”οΈ", "πŸ—»", "πŸ–οΈ", "🏟️", "🏯", "πŸ—οΈ", "πŸŒ‡", "πŸŒ†", "πŸŒƒ", "πŸ™οΈ"]

Locations and emoji grid maps initialization

def initialize_locations(size):
"""Initialize different locations with unique emoji grids."""
# Placeholder for location initialization logic
# Randomly fill grids with emojis from emoji_set for each location
np.random.seed(42) # Optional: for reproducible emoji distributions
locations = {
'forest edge': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),
'deep forest': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),
'mountain range': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),
'coastal town': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),
'desert oasis': np.random.choice(emoji_set, (size, size)),
return locations

Directions for movement

directions = {"North": (-1, 0), "South": (1, 0), "West": (0, -1), "East": (0, 1)}

Movement and emoji map update functions

def move_emojis(locations, current_location, direction):
"""Shift emojis in the specified direction with wrap-around for the current location."""
dx, dy = directions[direction]
locations[current_location] = np.roll(locations[current_location], shift=(dx, dy), axis=(0, 1))
return locations

Streamlit application setup

def main():
st.title("Explore the Emoji World")

size = st.sidebar.slider("Grid Size", 5, 40, 10)

if 'locations' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.locations = initialize_locations(size)
    st.session_state.locations = initialize_locations(size)

current_location = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select location", options=list(st.session_state.locations.keys()))

emoji_map = st.session_state.locations[current_location]
map_str = "\n".join(["".join(row) for row in emoji_map])

col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
    if st.button("West"):
        st.session_state.locations = move_emojis(st.session_state.locations, current_location, "West")
with col2:
    if st.button("North"):
        st.session_state.locations = move_emojis(st.session_state.locations, current_location, "North")
    if st.button("Stop"):
    if st.button("South"):
        st.session_state.locations = move_emojis(st.session_state.locations, current_location, "South")
with col3:
    if st.button("East"):
        st.session_state.locations = move_emojis(st.session_state.locations, current_location, "East")

if name == "main":

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