Grok compared with ChatGPT

by awacke1 - opened

I found that Grok, the new AI model which you can use if you subscribe to Twitter/X is pretty good at initial code generation with modern (2023) data. I give it a 9/10 on initial generation.

ChatGPT still is much more capable for understanding code errors and fixes and Grok could not fix the program however the initial generation one shot was really good, better in many ways than a GPT generation with my streamlit python requested context.

Here is the fix below that GPT came in with after reviewing the Grok code. ChatGPT still seems the best for a multi-shot scenario in which it needs to refactor existing programs and is getting better at maintaining non breaking changes into an existing program.

Conclusion- The use of one model that is more recent in content approaches one shot content generation for value that other older models cannot do (like for example ChatGPT is not so good with gradio coding which seems due to state of art of gradio back in 2021. The newer models like Llama, Grok, Mistral, and Phistral (MoE) and Mixtral (MoE) sometimes surpass ChatGPT, and this suggests that we should use them together to do what they are contextually best at. This is similar to treating each model as an Expert on the content set it was trained on. If knowable it warrants a new kind of metric that is example based and reviewed and scored, like an ELO rating that specifically caters to task types people are trying.

MTBench and similar structures can show within a modality examples but decay in value since incremental monthly updates to newer models vary the generated output dramatically and so it is worthwhile to explore using them together and comparing results to find which inputs work for a given model and which do not.

ChatGPT revision of Grok generated code:

Fix display dice: import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
from emoji import emojize

Game constants


Game functions

def roll_dice(n):
return np.random.randint(1, DICE_SIDES + 1, n)

def display_dice(dice):
#return " ".join([emojize(":game_die:") for _ in range(dice)])
#return " ".join([emojize(":game_die:") for _ in range(dice.item())])
return " ".join([emojize(":game_die:") for _ in range(dice.flatten())])

def update_scores(scores, dice):
for i, score in enumerate(scores):
if dice[i] == DICE_SIDES:
scores[i] += 1
scores[i] = 0
return scores

Streamlit app setup

page_title="Multiplayer Emoji Dice Game",

st.title("Multiplayer Emoji Dice Game")
st.write("Roll the dice and try to get as many sixes as possible!")

Game settings

players = st.slider("Number of players", 1, MAX_PLAYERS, 2, step=1)
dice_count = st.slider("Number of dice per player", 1, MAX_DICE, 2, step=1)

Game logic

scores = [0 for _ in range(players)]
rolled_dice = roll_dice(players * dice_count)
scores = update_scores(scores, rolled_dice)

Display game board

st.write(f"Player 1 rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[:dice_count])}")
if players > 1:
st.write(f"Player 2 rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[dice_count:])}")

st.write(f"Scores: {scores}")

Update game state

if st.button("Roll again"):
scores = [0 for _ in range(players)]
rolled_dice = roll_dice(players * dice_count)
scores = update_scores(scores, rolled_dice)
st.write(f"Player 1 rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[:dice_count])}")
if players > 1:
st.write(f"Player 2 rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[dice_count:])}")
st.write(f"Scores: {scores}")
The issue in your display_dice function seems to be related to how you are trying to use the dice variable. The dice variable is expected to be a NumPy array, and you're attempting to use methods like .item() and .flatten() incorrectly in this context. The .flatten() method returns an array but what you need is an integer value indicating the number of dice to display.

The correct way to handle this in your display_dice function is to iterate over the dice values directly or to use the length of the array if you're simply trying to display a dice emoji for each die rolled, without caring about the specific value of each die. Since your game logic doesn't seem to require displaying the value of each die but just an emoji for each roll, the simplest fix is to use the length of the dice array to determine how many emojis to display.

Here's how you can fix the display_dice function:

Copy code
def display_dice(dice):
# Use the length of the dice array to determine how many emojis to display
return " ".join([emojize(":game_die:") for _ in dice])
This function now correctly iterates over the dice array and displays a dice emoji for each element in the array. This is assuming that dice is a slice of the rolled_dice array representing the dice rolled by a single player, which seems to be how you're using it in the calls within your Streamlit app setup.

Additionally, for displaying rolls for more than two players, you might want to consider adjusting your logic to loop through all players instead of hardcoding it for just two. Here is a suggestion on how to do that:

Copy code

Display game board for all players

for player in range(players):
start_index = player * dice_count
end_index = start_index + dice_count
st.write(f"Player {player + 1} rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[start_index:end_index])}")
This loop will handle displaying the dice rolls for any number of players up to MAX_PLAYERS.

show full code listing with the improvements you mention
Certainly! Below is the full code listing with the improvements incorporated into the display_dice function and the loop to display game board for all players:

Copy code
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
from emoji import emojize

Game constants


Game functions

def roll_dice(n):
return np.random.randint(1, DICE_SIDES + 1, n)

def display_dice(dice):
# Use the length of the dice array to determine how many emojis to display
return " ".join([emojize(":game_die:") for _ in dice])

def update_scores(scores, dice):
for i, score in enumerate(scores):
if dice[i] == DICE_SIDES:
scores[i] += 1
scores[i] = 0
return scores

Streamlit app setup

page_title="Multiplayer Emoji Dice Game",

st.title("Multiplayer Emoji Dice Game")
st.write("Roll the dice and try to get as many sixes as possible!")

Game settings

players = st.slider("Number of players", 1, MAX_PLAYERS, 2, step=1)
dice_count = st.slider("Number of dice per player", 1, MAX_DICE, 2, step=1)

Game logic

scores = [0 for _ in range(players)]
rolled_dice = roll_dice(players * dice_count)
scores = update_scores(scores, rolled_dice)

Display game board for all players

for player in range(players):
start_index = player * dice_count
end_index = start_index + dice_count
st.write(f"Player {player + 1} rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[start_index:end_index])}")

st.write(f"Scores: {scores}")

Update game state

if st.button("Roll again"):
scores = [0 for _ in range(players)]
rolled_dice = roll_dice(players * dice_count)
scores = update_scores(scores, rolled_dice)
for player in range(players):
start_index = player * dice_count
end_index = start_index + dice_count
st.write(f"Player {player + 1} rolled: {display_dice(rolled_dice[start_index:end_index])}")
st.write(f"Scores: {scores}")
This version includes the corrected display_dice function that properly iterates over the dice array to display a dice emoji for each die rolled. Additionally, it dynamically handles the display of game board information for any number of players, making your game more flexible and scalable.

Message ChatGPT…

ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important informatio


Second pass tasks are also really good with GPT. I'm usually very impressed 10/10 on how well feature refactoring and new ffeature injection can be with the method step planning that is done and believe its the Mixture of Experts using Analysis and Coding gradient sequence retrievals that make it very good (like a multi agent system running against two different specialized copies of model weights.

this is still problematic since I want each players rolls to show whhat they actually rolled on a D6 per dice and also to total the dice rolls for each player and show a Total with an emoji label for that player. Decide who won by showing the rolls and the totals and display the Winner Name next to the total for that player each time they roll
To address your requirements, we'll make significant adjustments to the code:

Modify the display_dice function: It will now show the exact number of emojis corresponding to each dice roll (e.g., 1 emoji for a roll of 1, up to 6 emojis for a roll of 6), for each dice rolled by a player.
Calculate and display totals: After rolling, we'll calculate the total of all dice rolls for each player and display it along with a custom emoji label.
Determine and display the winner: After each round, we'll identify the player with the highest total roll and prominently display their name as the winner.
Here's how you can implement these changes:

Copy code
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
from emoji import emojize

Game constants


Player names and emojis

player_names = ["Mick 🎀", "Rick πŸš€", "Nick 🧊", "Vick 🌿"]

Game functions

def roll_dice(n):
return np.random.randint(1, DICE_SIDES + 1, n)

def display_dice(dice_rolls):
# Display the correct number of emojis for each dice roll
return " ".join(emojize(":game_die:") * roll for roll in dice_rolls)

def display_total(total):
# Display the total of dice rolls with an emoji
return f"Total: {total} " + emojize(":trophy:")

def update_scores(scores, dice_rolls):
for i in range(len(scores)):
scores[i] = sum(dice_rolls[i])
return scores

def determine_winner(scores):
# Determine the player with the highest score
max_score = max(scores)
winners = [i for i, score in enumerate(scores) if score == max_score]
return winners

Streamlit app setup

st.set_page_config(page_title="Multiplayer Emoji Dice Game", page_icon="🎲", layout="centered")
st.title("Multiplayer Emoji Dice Game")
st.write("Roll the dice and try to get as many sixes as possible!")

Game settings

players = st.slider("Number of players", 1, MAX_PLAYERS, 2, step=1)
dice_count = st.slider("Number of dice per player", 1, MAX_DICE, 2, step=1)

Game logic

scores = [0 for _ in range(players)]
dice_rolls = [roll_dice(dice_count) for _ in range(players)]
scores = update_scores(scores, dice_rolls)
winners = determine_winner(scores)

Display game board for all players with names, rolls, and totals

for player in range(players):
player_rolls = dice_rolls[player]
player_total = scores[player]
st.write(f"{player_names[player]} rolled: {display_dice(player_rolls)}")

Display winner(s)

if len(winners) > 1:
st.write("It's a tie between: " + " and ".join(player_names[winner] for winner in winners))
st.write(f"Winner: {player_names[winners[0]]} πŸ†")

Update game state

if st.button("Roll again"):
scores = [0 for _ in range(players)]
dice_rolls = [roll_dice(dice_count) for _ in range(players)]
scores = update_scores(scores, dice_rolls)
winners = determine_winner(scores)

for player in range(players):
    player_rolls = dice_rolls[player]
    player_total = scores[player]
    st.write(f"{player_names[player]} rolled: {display_dice(player_rolls)}")

if len(winners) > 1:
    st.write("It's a tie between: " + " and ".join(player_names[winner] for winner in winners))
    st.write(f"Winner: {player_names[winners[0]]} πŸ†")

This code now properly displays what each player rolls on a D6 per dice, shows the total of the dice rolls for each player with an emoji, and determines who won by showing the rolls and the totals. It then displays the winner's name next to the total for that player after each round.

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