There be dragons here

by awacke1 - opened

Create a streamlit python user app with full code listing to create a UI implementing the usable choose your own adventure graphic novel rules and story using streamlit, session_state, file_uploader, camera_input, on_change = funcction callbacks, randomness and dice rolls using emojis and st.markdown, st.expander, st.columns and other UI controls in streamlit as a game interface and create inline data tables for entities implemented as variables with python list dictionaries for the game rule entities and stats. Design it as a fun data driven app and show full python code listing for this ruleset and thematic story plot line:

Query: There be dragons here Create a streamlit python user app with full code listing to create a UI implementing the usable choose your own adventure graphic novel rules and story using streamlit, session_state, file_uploader, camera_input, on_change = funcction callbacks, randomness and dice rolls using emojis and st.markdown, st.expander, st.columns and other UI controls in streamlit as a game interface and create inline data tables for entities implemented as variables with python list dictionaries for the game rule entities and stats. Design it as a fun data driven app and show full python code listing for this ruleset and thematic story plot line: # Response: Creating a Streamlit app for a "Choose Your Own Adventure" style graphic novel game themed around "There Be Dragons Here" involves several steps, including planning the story, structuring the game, implementing dramatic situations, and coding the game mechanics. Below is an outline of the process, including a basic example of how to start coding such an app in Python using Streamlit.

Story Outline:

  1. Plan: The adventure begins in a small village on the edge of the Dragon's Forest. The protagonist is a young villager who dreams of adventure.
  2. Structure: The story is divided into three acts:
    • Act 1: Discovery of a mysterious map leading to a dragon's lair.
    • Act 2: Journey through the Dragon's Forest facing various challenges.
    • Act 3: The final encounter with the dragon and the discovery of a hidden treasure.
  3. Dramatic Situations:
    • Situation 1: A choice between saving a companion or pursuing the treasure.
    • Situation 2: A moral dilemma involving a dragon's egg.
    • Situation 3: The final confrontation with the dragon, with multiple possible outcomes.

Game Mechanics:

  • Randomness and Dice Rolls: Used for encounters and outcomes.
  • Choices and Consequences: Player decisions affect the story's direction and ending.
  • Character Stats: Health, Strength, Wisdom, and Charisma influence interactions and battles.

Streamlit App Code Outline:

import streamlit as st
import random

# Initialize session state variables
if 'health' not in st.session_state: = 100
if 'strength' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.strength = 10
if 'wisdom' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.wisdom = 10
if 'charisma' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.charisma = 10
if 'position' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.position = "start"

# Function to roll dice
def roll_dice(sides=6):
    return random.randint(1, sides)

# Example of a game section
def encounter():
    roll = roll_dice(20)  # Rolling a 20-sided dice
    if roll + st.session_state.strength > 20:
        st.success("You defeated the enemy! πŸ‰") += 10  # Gain some health
        st.error("You were defeated! πŸ’€") -= 10  # Lose some health

# Title
st.title("There Be Dragons Here πŸ‰")

# Main game loop
with st.expander("Your Adventure"):
    if st.session_state.position == "start":
        st.write("Your journey begins at the edge of the Dragon's Forest. 🌳")
        if st.button("Enter the Forest"):
            st.session_state.position = "forest"
    elif st.session_state.position == "forest":
        st.write("You are in the dark, mysterious forest. An enemy appears! βš”οΈ")
        encounter_button = st.button("Encounter the Enemy")
        if encounter_button:

# Display character stats
with st.expander("Your Stats πŸ“Š"):
    st.write(f"Health: {}")
    st.write(f"Strength: {st.session_state.strength}")
    st.write(f"Wisdom: {st.session_state.wisdom}")
    st.write(f"Charisma: {st.session_state.charisma}")

# Implementing more game mechanics, choices, and story sections will follow this pattern.

This code provides a basic framework for a Streamlit app game. You'll need to expand the story, implement more encounters, add character choices, and flesh out the dramatic situations as outlined. Streamlit's interactive components (buttons, sliders, text inputs) can be used to create a rich, interactive narrative experience. Remember to test and refine the game mechanics and story flow to ensure a fun and engaging user experience.# Response2: The provided code snippet is a solid foundation for a "Choose Your Own Adventure" style game in Streamlit, themed around a dragon adventure. To further develop this game, you can expand the narrative, add complexity to encounters, introduce character development, and incorporate more sophisticated game mechanics. Below is an extended example that builds upon the initial framework. This version introduces additional encounters, a simple inventory system, and more interactive choices that affect the game's outcome.

Extended Streamlit App Code:

import streamlit as st
import random

# Initialize session state variables for game stats and inventory
if 'health' not in st.session_state: = 100
if 'strength' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.strength = 15
if 'wisdom' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.wisdom = 10
if 'charisma' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.charisma = 10
if 'position' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.position = "start"
if 'inventory' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.inventory = []

# Function to roll dice
def roll_dice(sides=6):
    return random.randint(1, sides)

# Function for encounters
def encounter():
    roll = roll_dice(20)  # Rolling a 20-sided dice
    if roll + st.session_state.strength > 25:
        st.success("You defeated the enemy! πŸ‰") += 5  # Gain some health
        if "Dragon Scale" not in st.session_state.inventory:
            st.session_state.inventory.append("Dragon Scale")
            st.write("You found a Dragon Scale! 🐲")
        st.error("You were defeated! πŸ’€") -= 15  # Lose some health

# Function to handle different story positions
def navigate_story():
    if st.session_state.position == "forest":
        st.write("You are in the dark, mysterious forest. An enemy appears! βš”οΈ")
        if st.button("Encounter the Enemy"):
    elif st.session_state.position == "cave":
        st.write("You've discovered a hidden cave. Do you enter?")
        col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
        with col1:
            if st.button("Yes"):
                st.session_state.position = "dragon_lair"
        with col2:
            if st.button("No"):
                st.session_state.position = "forest"

# Main game loop
st.title("There Be Dragons Here πŸ‰")

with st.expander("Your Adventure"):
    if st.session_state.position == "start":
        st.write("Your journey begins at the edge of the Dragon's Forest. 🌳")
        if st.button("Enter the Forest"):
            st.session_state.position = "forest"

# Display character stats
with st.expander("Your Stats πŸ“Š"):
    st.write(f"Health: {}")
    st.write(f"Strength: {st.session_state.strength}")
    st.write(f"Wisdom: {st.session_state.wisdom}")
    st.write(f"Charisma: {st.session_state.charisma}")

# Display inventory
with st.expander("Your Inventory πŸŽ’"):
    if st.session_state.inventory:
        for item in st.session_state.inventory:
            st.write(f"- {item}")
        st.write("Your inventory is empty.")

# Implementing more game mechanics, choices, and story sections will follow this pattern.

This extended example introduces a new location (a cave leading to a dragon lair) and an inventory system where players can collect items. The navigate_story function is used to move the story forward based on the player's current position. This approach allows for a modular expansion of the game, where new encounters, locations, and items can be added to enrich the gameplay experience. Remember, the key to a successful "Choose Your Own Adventure" game is a compelling story and meaningful choices that impact the game's outcome.

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