AI Process - Self Rewarding AI

by awacke1 - opened

Self rewarding AI is where you have the AI criticize the second output in light of first input in a chain which allows an AI to think differently about a specification and the resulting implementation of the specification. In the example below I do that for GAIN - Graphic AI Novel program output.

Critique the game depth of the example below where I have a specification and also have a code sample. My users are complaining that there is not enough random encounters and depth in data options in the example below and that there are parts where the specification is not fully implemented. Read the specification or solution intent. Next expand upon the program and add the functions and data even new features that were missed from my solution intent specification: Specification: Creating a graphic novel story that revolves around the theme of "The Carousel Paper Cutout World" and incorporating the elements of plan, structure, and the top three dramatic situations to match the theme, all while using Streamlit markdown for outlines and tables, involves a comprehensive approach. Below is a structured outline that follows these guidelines:

๐Ÿ“– Story Outline: The Carousel Paper Cutout World
๐Ÿ›  Plan
Objective: To create a captivating graphic novel set in a magical paper cutout world, where the carousel is the heart and soul of the realm, influencing the lives of all its inhabitants.
Theme: The theme revolves around the idea of cycles, changes, and the impact of choices in a seemingly predestined world.
Setting: A vibrant, intricate paper cutout world, with the carousel as the central and most majestic structure, influencing the environment and its inhabitants in mysterious ways.
๐Ÿ— Structure

Introduction to the paper cutout world and its unique properties.
Meet our protagonist, a curious and adventurous paper figure named Paige.
Rising Action

Paige discovers an ancient legend about the carousel that promises change and adventure to those who dare to ride it.
Paige decides to embark on a journey to find the carousel and uncover its secrets.

Paige reaches the carousel and experiences its magical ride, which reveals visions of possible futures.
Falling Action

Armed with new knowledge, Paige must make a choice that could change the paper cutout world forever.

Paige's choice leads to a surprising transformation, not just for her but for the entire world.
๐ŸŽญ Top Three Dramatic Situations
The Quest: Paige's journey to find the carousel and understand its powers.
Revelation: The truths uncovered about the carousel and its impact on the paper cutout world.
Transformation: The change that Paige's actions bring about, altering the fabric of her world.
๐Ÿ“š Graphic Novel Rules & Method Steps of Play
Step Description Emoji
1. Introduction to the World: Players are introduced to the paper cutout world and its rules. ๐ŸŒ
2. Character Creation: Players create their paper cutout characters, defining their traits and desires. ๐ŸŽญ
3. The Quest Begins: Players embark on their journey to find the carousel, facing challenges and making choices. ๐Ÿš€
4. Carousel Encounter: Players experience the carousel ride, which reveals insights and alters their path. ๐ŸŽ 
5. Climactic Choices: Players face a pivotal decision that will determine the fate of their characters and the world. โš–๏ธ
6. Resolution and Transformation: The outcome of the players' choices is revealed, transforming the world and concluding the story. ๐Ÿฆ‹
๐Ÿ“ Note
Collaboration and Creativity: Players are encouraged to collaborate, creating a rich tapestry of narratives that intertwine with the central theme of the carousel.
Flexibility: The rules and steps are designed to be flexible, allowing for creative interpretations and unique story developments.
This outline and structure provide a foundation for creating a graphic novel or a game that explores the enchanting theme of "The Carousel Paper Cutout World," using the framework of story structure architect principles.*

Program: import streamlit as st
import random

Define a function to roll dice and return a random emoji based on the result

def roll_dice():
result = random.randint(1, 6)
dice_emojis = ['โš€', 'โš', 'โš‚', 'โšƒ', 'โš„', 'โš…']
return dice_emojis[result - 1]

Function to handle character creation

def create_character():
with st.form("Character Creation"):
name = st.text_input("Character Name")
trait = st.selectbox("Select a Trait", ["Brave", "Clever", "Kind"])
desire = st.text_input("What is your character's desire?")
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Create Character")
if submitted:
st.session_state.character = {'name': name, 'trait': trait, 'desire': desire}
st.success(f"Character {name} created successfully!")

Function to start the quest

def start_quest():
st.markdown("## ๐Ÿš€ The Quest Begins")
st.write("You embark on your journey to find the carousel. Along the way, you encounter various challenges.")
challenge = st.button("Face a Challenge")
if challenge:
st.write(f"You faced a challenge and your path changes. Roll a dice to see the outcome.")
dice_result = roll_dice()
st.write(f"Dice Roll Result: {dice_result}")
# Update the path based on the dice roll if needed
# This is where you can add logic to alter the player's path or story based on the dice roll.

Function to encounter the carousel

def carousel_encounter():
st.markdown("## ๐ŸŽ  Carousel Encounter")
st.write("You've found the carousel! It's time to experience its magic.")
ride = st.button("Ride the Carousel")
if ride:
st.write("The carousel starts spinning and you're engulfed in a whirlwind of colors and sounds.")
# This is where you can add logic for the carousel encounter outcomes.

Function to display the climactic choices and resolution

def climactic_choices():
st.markdown("## โš–๏ธ Climactic Choices")
choice ="What choice will you make?", ["Embrace the change", "Resist the change"])
if st.button("Make Choice"):
if choice == "Embrace the change":
st.markdown("## ๐Ÿฆ‹ Resolution and Transformation")
st.write("Your choice leads to a beautiful transformation of the world and yourself.")
st.markdown("## ๐Ÿฆ‹ Resolution and Transformation")
st.write("Resisting the change keeps the world as it was, but you wonder what could have been.")

Main app function

def main():
st.title("๐Ÿ“– The Carousel Paper Cutout World Adventure")

# Initialize session state variables if not already present
if 'character' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.character = None

# Display the story outline
with st.expander("Story Outline and Rules"):
    ### ๐Ÿ“– Story Outline: The Carousel Paper Cutout World
    - **Objective:** To create a captivating graphic novel set in a magical paper cutout world.
    - **Theme:** Cycles, changes, and the impact of choices.
    - **Setting:** A vibrant paper cutout world with a central carousel.

# Character creation step
if st.session_state.character is None:
    st.write(f"Welcome, {st.session_state.character['name']}!")

    # Game steps

if name == "main":

The output is then an expanded specification like so:

Your game concept for "The Carousel Paper Cutout World" presents a rich and imaginative setting with potential for deep narrative exploration. The specification outlines a promising foundation, but as your users have noted, it could benefit from enhancements in random encounters, depth in data options, and fuller implementation of the specified elements. Here are suggestions for expanding upon the program, incorporating missing functions and data, and introducing new features:

Enhancements for Random Encounters and Data Depth
Expand Character Traits and Desires: Offer a wider range of traits and desires to allow for more nuanced character creation. This could include traits like 'Curious', 'Resourceful', or 'Timid', and desires that are specific to the paper cutout world, such as seeking a lost paper artifact or wishing to become a real-life figure.

Dynamic Challenges: Instead of a single button for facing a challenge, introduce a variety of challenges that players can encounter randomly. These could include puzzles, moral dilemmas, or encounters with other characters, each requiring different traits or items to overcome. The outcome could affect the character's path, traits, or inventory.

Randomized Carousel Outcomes: The carousel ride could have a range of magical effects, not just altering the story path but also transforming the character in some way (e.g., gaining a new trait, losing an item, receiving a vision of the future). These outcomes should be randomized and influenced by the character's traits and previous choices.

Side Quests: Introduce side quests that players can discover along their journey. These quests can offer deeper insight into the world and its inhabitants, provide unique items, and introduce new challenges. Completing side quests could influence the main storyline in subtle ways.

Implementing Fuller Specification Elements
Incorporate Streamlit Markdown for Richer Storytelling: Use Streamlit markdown capabilities to create a visually engaging narrative. This can include images, tables for tracking character progress, and collapsible sections for lore and world rules.

Deeper Integration of Dramatic Situations: Ensure each of the top three dramatic situations (The Quest, Revelation, Transformation) is fully realized within the game mechanics. This could involve specific encounters designed to highlight these themes, choices that reflect the dramatic stakes, and narrative consequences that underscore the thematic depth.

Enhanced Collaboration and Creativity: Encourage player collaboration by allowing characters to meet and interact within the story. Implement a feature where players can leave behind messages or advice for future players, or even create collaborative quests that require multiple characters to complete.

Flexibility and Replayability: Introduce multiple endings based on the choices players make throughout the game. Ensure that different trait and desire combinations lead to unique experiences on the quest, encouraging players to replay the game with different characters.

New Features
Inventory System: Introduce an inventory system where characters can collect items throughout their journey. These items could be crucial for overcoming challenges or could have effects on the carousel ride outcomes.

Character Development: Allow characters to evolve by acquiring new traits or improving existing ones through their experiences and choices made during the game.

World Exploration: Expand the world beyond the quest for the carousel. Introduce locations that players can explore for lore, items, and side quests, adding depth to the world and its history.

Narrative Impact Mechanics: Implement a system where players' choices visibly affect the world. For instance, a choice made during a carousel encounter could change the landscape of the paper cutout world, visible in subsequent gameplay.

Implementing these suggestions should significantly enhance the depth and richness of "The Carousel Paper Cutout World," addressing user feedback and enriching the overall experience.

To which we can also create the next in sequence better program.

Use the improved specification and program to create a vastly expanded streamlit program that implements everything in the specification. keep it as dense python functions and cluster similar functionality which has inline data as python data structures and uses st.dataframe, markdown tables, markdown outlines, and streamlit UI controls to improve the game making it more playable and fun for my users. Show full code listing.


Revised program below - good but still light on data structuring of table based random interjections to add depth to the story:

import streamlit as st
import random
import pandas as pd

Define possible traits, desires, and challenges

traits = ["Brave", "Clever", "Kind", "Curious", "Resourceful", "Timid"]
desires = ["Find a lost paper artifact", "Become a real-life figure", "Uncover the deepest secret of the carousel"]
challenges = [
{"name": "Puzzle of the Lost Scroll", "requirement": "Clever", "effect": "gain_item"},
{"name": "The Mysterious Shadow", "requirement": "Brave", "effect": "path_change"},
{"name": "The Forgotten Message", "requirement": "Curious", "effect": "reveal_info"}

Define items that can be found or earned

items = ["Golden Scissors", "Enchanted Glue", "Mystical Parchment"]

Helper function to roll dice

def roll_dice():
return random.choice(['โš€', 'โš', 'โš‚', 'โšƒ', 'โš„', 'โš…'])

Function to handle character creation

def create_character():
with st.form("Character Creation"):
name = st.text_input("Character Name")
trait = st.selectbox("Select a Trait", traits)
desire = st.selectbox("What is your character's desire?", desires)
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Create Character")
if submitted:
character = {'name': name, 'trait': trait, 'desire': desire, 'items': []}
st.session_state.character = character
st.success(f"Character {name} created successfully!")

Function to start the quest with dynamic challenges

def start_quest():
st.markdown("## ๐Ÿš€ The Quest Begins")
if st.button("Encounter a Challenge"):
challenge = random.choice(challenges)
st.write(f"You've encountered: {challenge['name']}.")

Function to handle challenges

def handle_challenge(challenge):
if challenge['requirement'] == st.session_state.character['trait']:
if challenge['effect'] == "gain_item":
item = random.choice(items)
st.write(f"Successfully overcome! You found an item: {item}.")
elif challenge['effect'] == "path_change":
st.write("Successfully overcome! Your path changes, leading to new discoveries.")
elif challenge['effect'] == "reveal_info":
st.write("Successfully overcome! You uncover important information about the carousel.")
st.write("Challenge not overcome. Consider trying different approaches or finding items that might help.")

Function for carousel encounter with randomized outcomes

def carousel_encounter():
st.markdown("## ๐ŸŽ  Carousel Encounter")
if st.button("Ride the Carousel"):
st.write("The carousel spins, enveloping you in a whirlwind of colors and sounds.")
outcome = roll_dice()

Function to handle carousel outcomes

def handle_carousel_outcome(outcome):
# Example outcome handling
if outcome in ['โš€', 'โš']:
st.write("You receive a vision of a possible future, inspiring you with new determination.")
elif outcome in ['โš‚', 'โšƒ']:
item = random.choice(items)
st.write(f"The carousel's magic grants you an item: {item}.")
st.write("The ride offers you a glimpse of the world's deepest secrets, changing your perspective.")

Function to display climactic choices and resolution

def climactic_choices():
st.markdown("## โš–๏ธ Climactic Choices")
choice ="What choice will you make?", ["Embrace the change", "Resist the change"])
if st.button("Make Choice"):
if choice == "Embrace the change":
st.markdown("## ๐Ÿฆ‹ Resolution and Transformation")
st.write("Your choice leads to a beautiful transformation of the world and yourself.")
st.markdown("## ๐Ÿฆ‹ Resolution and Transformation")
st.write("Resisting the change keeps the world as it was, but you wonder what could have been.")

Function to display character and inventory information

def display_character_info():
if 'character' in st.session_state:
char = st.session_state.character
st.write(f"Character: {char['name']}, Trait: {char['trait']}, Desire: {char['desire']}")
if char['items']:
st.write("Inventory:", ", ".join(char['items']))
st.write("Inventory is empty.")

Main app function

def main():
st.title("๐Ÿ“– The Carousel Paper Cutout World Adventure")

# Initialize session state variables if not already present
if 'character' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.character = None

# Display the story outline and rules using Streamlit markdown
with st.expander("Story Outline and Rules"):
    ### ๐Ÿ“– Story Outline: The Carousel Paper Cutout World
    - **Objective:** To create a captivating graphic novel set in a magical paper cutout world.
    - **Theme:** Cycles, changes, and the impact of choices.
    - **Setting:** A vibrant paper cutout world with a central carousel.

# Character creation and game progression
if st.session_state.character is None:

if name == "main":

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