
by Fortyseven - opened

You can enable WebGPU support in Firefox by going into about:config and setting dom.webgpu.enabled "true". This allows the page to load.

Clicking the "Load model" button, however, produces Error: Unsupported device: "webgpu". Should be one of: wasm. in the console.

I know this is experimental and all, but figured I'd let you know what happened. :)

You can enable WebGPU support in Firefox by going into about:config and setting dom.webgpu.enabled "true". This allows the page to load.

Clicking the "Load model" button, however, produces Error: Unsupported device: "webgpu". Should be one of: wasm. in the console.

I know this is experimental and all, but figured I'd let you know what happened. :)

I also enabled "gfx.webgpu.force-enabled" did not see that error.


Thanks for letting me know! :) Indeed, all our tests have been on Chrome (and sometimes Safari). Firefox's WebGPU implementation is lagging behind Chrome's, but it will get there soon enough!

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