Correct the expansion of $USE_PERSISTENT_DATA in CMD

by deleted - opened

Parameter expansion is not performed in the CMD variant with an array of args.

(Maybe should it be additionaly prepended with exec?)

radames changed pull request status to merged

thank you @zq50


I noticed that you reverted the change. Trying to figure out what went wrong, I saw that a duplicated space inherits USE_PERSISTENT_DATA=false set in settings.
Since I didn't modify the condition in the param expansion and "false" is a non-empty string, in this case, "false" means True.
If that's the issue, you need to either change the variable's value to an empty string or use a more complex condition test which checks if the string value equals "true".

sorry @zq50 after I add your commit, the Space was unable to save data on /data, so I reverted, have to look into that. The idea is to offer folks ability to use our persistent data storage

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