
by zelk12 - opened

Add the ability to set up general Speaking Pace Control for some characters.
input: .:8(43)
output: (1), k:1(1), o:4(2), ↑:3(1), N:3(1), n:1(2), i:4(4), ʧ:2(3), i:3(2), w:2(2), a:2(8), .:8(43), :12(8), k:5(8), o:5(3), ↑:2(1), N:4(1), n:5(1), i:1(4), ʧ:2(2), i:3(2), w:2(1), a:2(10), .:8(43)

Hi zelk12, thank you for your suggestion!
I agree with you on the function you described, but I may have no time to add this function. If you wish, could you open a pull request to add it on?

It is possible, to try, perhaps if I find free time to do.

Hello, it's possible to add the voice of the actor voice " Mutsumi Tamura ? "

Hello, it's possible to add the voice of the actor voice " Mutsumi Tamura ? "

Adding new speakers to VITS will require retraining the entire model, hence I apologize that it is not possible.

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