File size: 5,818 Bytes
1fedaae 5e4ed5c abbb9cd 1fedaae 14120f0 1fedaae ea44d4e 3a95fc9 ea44d4e 1fedaae 2206a9e 7131760 b7c6db6 1fedaae abbb9cd c2a06e0 99247ff 1fedaae 3a95fc9 7131760 3a95fc9 ea44d4e 1fedaae cae4728 3a95fc9 2206a9e 3a95fc9 2206a9e 3a95fc9 1fedaae 7131760 |
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import gradio as gr
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# Load the pickled model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model("census.h5")
# Mapping of categorical variables to encoded values
mapping = {
'workclass': {' ?': 0, ' Federal-gov': 1, ' Local-gov': 2, ' Never-worked': 3, ' Private': 4, ' Self-emp-inc': 5, ' Self-emp-not-inc': 6, ' State-gov': 7, ' Without-pay': 8},
'education': {' 10th': 0, ' 11th': 1, ' 12th': 2, ' 1st-4th': 3, ' 5th-6th': 4, ' 7th-8th': 5, ' 9th': 6, ' Assoc-acdm': 7, ' Assoc-voc': 8, ' Bachelors': 9, ' Doctorate': 10, ' HS-grad': 11, ' Masters': 12, ' Preschool': 13, ' Prof-school': 14, ' Some-college': 15},
'marital_status': {' Divorced': 0, ' Married-AF-spouse': 1, ' Married-civ-spouse': 2, ' Married-spouse-absent': 3, ' Never-married': 4, ' Separated': 5, ' Widowed': 6},
'occupation': {' ?': 0, ' Adm-clerical': 1, ' Armed-Forces': 2, ' Craft-repair': 3, ' Exec-managerial': 4, ' Farming-fishing': 5, ' Handlers-cleaners': 6, ' Machine-op-inspct': 7, ' Other-service': 8, ' Priv-house-serv': 9, ' Prof-specialty': 10, ' Protective-serv': 11, ' Sales': 12, ' Tech-support': 13, ' Transport-moving': 14},
'relationship': {' Husband': 0, ' Not-in-family': 1, ' Other-relative': 2, ' Own-child': 3, ' Unmarried': 4, ' Wife': 5},
'race': {' Amer-Indian-Eskimo': 0, ' Asian-Pac-Islander': 1, ' Black': 2, ' Other': 3, ' White': 4},
'gender': {' Female': 0, ' Male': 1},
'native_country': {' ?': 0, ' Cambodia': 1, ' Canada': 2, ' China': 3, ' Columbia': 4, ' Cuba': 5, ' Dominican-Republic': 6, ' Ecuador': 7, ' El-Salvador': 8, ' England': 9, ' France': 10, ' Germany': 11, ' Greece': 12, ' Guatemala': 13, ' Haiti': 14, ' Honduras': 15, ' Hong': 16, ' Hungary': 17, ' India': 18, ' Iran': 19, ' Ireland': 20, ' Italy': 21, ' Jamaica': 22, ' Japan': 23, ' Laos': 24, ' Mexico': 25, ' Nicaragua': 26, ' Outlying-US(Guam-USVI-etc)': 27, ' Peru': 28, ' Philippines': 29, ' Poland': 30, ' Portugal': 31, ' Puerto-Rico': 32, ' Scotland': 33, ' South': 34, ' Taiwan': 35, ' Thailand': 36, ' Trinadad&Tobago': 37, ' United-States': 38, ' Vietnam': 39, ' Yugoslavia': 40}
# Define the function for making predictions
def salarybracket(age, workclass, education, education_num, marital_status, occupation, relationship, race, gender, capital_gain, capital_loss, hours_per_week, native_country):
# Get the value associated with the selected label
workclass_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['workclass'].items() if k == workclass), None)
education_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['education'].items() if k == education), None)
marital_status_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['marital_status'].items() if k == marital_status), None)
occupation_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['occupation'].items() if k == occupation), None)
relationship_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['relationship'].items() if k == relationship), None)
race_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['race'].items() if k == race), None)
gender_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['gender'].items() if k == gender), None)
native_country_value = next((v for k, v in mapping['native_country'].items() if k == native_country), None)
inputs = np.array([[float(age), float(workclass_value), float(education_value), float(education_num), float(marital_status_value), float(occupation_value), float(relationship_value), float(race_value), float(gender_value), float(capital_gain), float(capital_loss), float(hours_per_week), float(native_country_value)]])
prediction = model.predict(inputs)
prediction_value = prediction[0][0] # Assuming the prediction is a scalar
result = "Income_bracket lesser than or equal to 50K πβ " if prediction_value <= 0.5 else "Income_bracket greater than 50K πβ "
return f"{result}"
# Convert mapping to Gradio dropdown options
dropdown_options = {}
for column, values in mapping.items():
options = []
for label, value in values.items():
dropdown_options[column] = options
# Create the Gradio interface
salarybracket_ga = gr.Interface(fn=salarybracket,
gr.Slider(17, 90, label="Age"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['workclass'], label="Workclass"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['education'], label="Education"),
gr.Number(1, 16, label="Education Num [1 to 16]"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['marital_status'], label="Marital Status"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['occupation'], label="Occupation"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['relationship'], label="Relationship"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['race'], label="Race"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['gender'], label="Gender"),
gr.Number(0, 99999, label="Capital Gain [0 to 99999]"),
gr.Number(0, 4356, label="Capital Loss [0 to 4356]"),
gr.Number(1, 99, label="Hours per Week [1 to 99]"),
gr.Dropdown(dropdown_options['native_country'], label="Native Country")
title="Salary Bracket Prediction",
description="Predicting Income Bracket Using TensorFlow",
salarybracket_ga.launch(share=True, debug=True)