Some models have missing "Param# (B)".

by felixz - opened

For example all the base Llama models.
Hope the missing data can be fixed and displayed.

Hugging Face H4 org

HI @felixz !
We can only extract the number of parameters if either 1) the model weights are saved using safetensors or 2) there is a parameter number in the name.
If you want the precise information for a specific model, please ask the authors to convert their weights on the hub to safetensors 🤗

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

HI @felixz !
We can only extract the number of parameters if either 1) the model weights are saved using safetensors or 2) there is a parameter number in the name.
If you want the precise information for a specific model, please ask the authors to convert their weights on the hub to safetensors 🤗

So at least the Llama pretrained should be filled out:


Hugging Face H4 org

Hi! Yes, that's funny, I'll have a look

Hugging Face H4 org

Fixed, thank you for pointing it out!

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