๐Ÿž๐Ÿœ๐Ÿ›My Submission has Failed [REPORT HERE]

by picekl - opened
Bohemian Visual Recognition Alliance org

Before writing to this thread! Ask yourself the following questions and write just if you answer YES to all of them.

  1. Did my code run in a local environment?
  2. Did I use python 3.10?
  3. Did you push your code to HugginFace as a model?
  4. Can your model process 10,000 images in 60 minutes in a similar environment like t4-small?
  5. Did you use any non-standard library? [if yes, go to a different thread and request it]

โ—Please provide your submission ID while asking for an Error Log โ—

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Hi @picekl

I submitted a new model earlier today; however, it appears to have been stuck in the processing stage for over two hours without any indication of failure. Could you please look into this issue for me?
The Submission ID is d2d2dc8f-f713-483d-942a-a379c02784f6

Thank you!

Bohemian Visual Recognition Alliance org

Hi @tasdfgy ,

I had to stop it manually. Can you please try to resubmit?


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Bohemian Visual Recognition Alliance org

@chychiu If you are interested in submitting the Working note, we will most likely reopen the submission on Monday to allow post-competition submissions for the ablation evaluation, etc. Those submissions won't change the competition ranking, but it should still allow you to submit a "better" run :]

Sad you started so late with the submissions :/


Thanks for letting me know. I have submitted one last try: 0a748de1-3ffb-44ea-9946-0836a13ee180

If it fails, I give up. Please let me know the issue still, I will check tomorrow morning. It's 5:50am right now and I am so over it

Shame the HF platform has so many issues (I can't even do multiprocessing with a DataLoader???). This is a week of my life I will never get back. Learnt a lot though (although hacky), so no regrets :)

Bohemian Visual Recognition Alliance org

@chychiu It looks like it runs smoothly but slowly. I'm afraid you'll reach the time limit. How about you use a bigger batch size? There is 16 GB of vRAM, so you could go a little bit higher.


I reduced the batch size because I wasn't sure what was failing. This is genuinely disheartening that huggingface is so terrible and that the competition had so many issues as a result. It was a fun project that was well motivated but unfortunately did not come to fruition. Let me know when you open the late submission. I hope in the future another competition platform can be considered instead.

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