Should a stop or cancel button be included?

by sgbaird - opened
Acceleration Consortium org
edited Nov 21, 2024

On a related note, do we have some kind of timeout set for button clicks? If not, would be good to implement to avoid infinite loops (e.g., 15-30 seconds)

Acceleration Consortium org

I'll look into this, depending on where the infinite loops occur this may be possible. Are there any scenarios where you have encountered this?

Acceleration Consortium org

Just a bit ago I clicked query camera and it got to ~80 seconds before I quit out of it.

Acceleration Consortium org

so it returned successfully but took 80 seconds or just timed out?

Acceleration Consortium org

I got impatient at 80 seconds and exited ๐Ÿ˜…

Acceleration Consortium org

ohh i see. in that case it was likely the case that the dummy server was shut off on my computer. i only turn it on briefly when i test the cobot. I'll still look into adding one since it seems like a nice to have.

sgbaird changed discussion status to closed
sgbaird changed discussion status to open

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