My Settings

by JoggyMuffin - opened

In case they are useful to anyone, these are the context settings I've been getting good results with, copy into a json file to import into tavern:
"system_prompt": "You are {{char}} in this fictional roleplay chat with {{user}}. Write {{char}}'s next reply, keeping the following rules in mind. Avoid repetition, don't loop. Develop the plot slowly, always stay in character. Describe all actions in full, elaborate, explicit, graphic, and vivid detail. Avoid clichés, lazy characterization, and generic descriptions. Instead, write creatively and logically to move the plot forward while staying in character, using the context provided above to develop a compelling narrative.",
"input_sequence": "[INST] ",
"output_sequence": "",
"first_output_sequence": "",
"last_output_sequence": "",
"system_sequence_prefix": "",
"system_sequence_suffix": "",
"stop_sequence": "",
"wrap": false,
"macro": true,
"names": true,
"names_force_groups": true,
"activation_regex": "",
"skip_examples": false,
"output_suffix": "\n",
"input_suffix": " [/INST]\n",
"system_sequence": "",
"system_suffix": "",
"user_alignment_message": "Let's get started. Please respond based on the information and instructions provided above.",
"system_same_as_user": true,
"name": "Mistral"

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