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[The model is still training, we will be releasing the latest checkpoints soon...]

SpeechLLM is a multi-modal LLM trained to predict the metadata of the speaker's turn in a conversation. speechllm-2B model is based on HubertX audio encoder and TinyLlama LLM. The model predicts the following:

  1. SpeechActivity : if the audio signal contains speech (True/False)
  2. Transcript : ASR transcript of the audio
  3. Gender of the speaker (Female/Male)
  4. Age of the speaker (Young/Middle-Age/Senior)
  5. Accent of the speaker (Africa/America/Celtic/Europe/Oceania/South-Asia/South-East-Asia)
  6. Emotion of the speaker (Happy/Sad/Anger/Neutral/Frustrated)


# Load model directly from huggingface
from transformers import AutoModel
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("skit-ai/speechllm-2B", trust_remote_code=True)

    instruction="Give me the following information about the audio [SpeechActivity, Transcript, Gender, Emotion, Age, Accent]",

# Model Generation
  "SpeechActivity" : "True",
  "Transcript": "Yes, I got it. I'll make the payment now.",
  "Gender": "Female",
  "Emotion": "Neutral",
  "Age": "Young",
  "Accent" : "America",

Model Details

  • Developed by: Skit AI
  • Authors: Shangeth Rajaa, Abhinav Tushar
  • Language: English
  • Finetuned from model: HubertX, TinyLlama
  • Model Size: 2.1 B
  • Checkpoint: 2000 k steps (bs=1)
  • Adapters: r=4, alpha=8
  • lr : 1e-4
  • gradient accumulation steps: 8

Checkpoint Result

Dataset Word Error Rate Gender Acc Age Acc Accent Acc
librispeech-test-clean 7.36 0.9490
librispeech-test-other 10.47 0.9099
CommonVoice test 24.47 0.8680 0.6061 0.6156
Downloads last month
Model size
2.1B params
Tensor type
Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support model repos that contain custom code.

Datasets used to train skit-ai/speechllm-2B

Collection including skit-ai/speechllm-2B

Evaluation results