why not appear transformers library in the taskbar??

by ppinedo - opened

Hi everybody,
this model works with HF tranformers library (same for sentence-tranformers library) like other models for Sentence Similarity, why it doesn't show HF tranformers library in the taskbar (like sentence-transformers library)??
Thanks :)


Sentence Transformers org


Some Sentence Transformer models can't be loaded correctly on just transformers. This is due to the Dense module, which adds an additional transformation after the transformers-compatible first modules. So, the Sentence Transformers results is the correct one & the transformers one is incorrect.
That is also why this model does not have a transformers tag & in the top right it only says "Use in sentence transformers" and not also in transformers.

I hope that clears it up

  • Tom Aarsen
tomaarsen changed discussion status to closed

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