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Intent Fine-Tuned Model based on RoBERTa Base


Welcome to the saurabhharak/intent-fine-tuned-model-roberta-base repository! This repository contains a fine-tuned natural language processing (NLP) model based on the RoBERTa Base architecture. The model is designed to predict intents from text inputs, making it valuable for various natural language understanding tasks like intent classification, sentiment analysis, and more.

Model Details

  • Model Architecture: RoBERTa Base
  • Repository Owner: Saurabh Harak
  • Model Name: saurabhharak/intent-fine-tuned-model-roberta-base
  • Task: Intent Classification


To use this fine-tuned model, you can install the necessary packages and load the model using the provided code:

pip install transformers torch

license: unknown
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Inference Examples
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