Very strict NSFW censor

by Kelmeilia - opened

I just implemented the sample code with the prompt "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars".

image = pipe(prompt, passes=20, prompt_strength=20, width=160, height=160).images[0]?
the model returns a black censored image...

Is the model too keen to cencor everything or are there something in the arguments that forces this?

I am trying to do a matrix of different parameters for reference; if this censorship threshold is this low, I think I have to rethink my tactics?

Well, I ran in to this old thread:

So it seems, it might be my graphics card, that causes the image to be totally green, which is in turn deducted to be potentially NSFW.

For me it worked to pass argument safety_checker=None to the StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(), but this of course brings a warning.

I am running RTX 4080 with 16GB. Very much appreciated, if someone would have more information on the matter, I am sensing dark clouds in my script future with this underlying behaviour.

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