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posted an update Jul 4
@Omartificial-Intelligence-Space has trained and released 6 Arabic embedding models for semantic similarity. 4 of them outperform all previous models on the STS17 Arabic-Arabic task!

📚 Trained on a large dataset of 558k Arabic triplets translated from the AllNLI triplet dataset: Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabic-NLi-Triplet
6️⃣ 6 different base models: AraBERT, MarBERT, LaBSE, MiniLM, paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base, mpnet-base, ranging from 109M to 471M parameters.
🪆 Trained with a Matryoshka loss, allowing you to truncate embeddings with minimal performance loss: smaller embeddings are faster to compare.
📈 Outperforms all commonly used multilingual models like intfloat/multilingual-e5-large, sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2, and sentence-transformers/LaBSE.

Check them out here:
- Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabic-mpnet-base-all-nli-triplet
- Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabic-all-nli-triplet-Matryoshka
- Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabert-all-nli-triplet-Matryoshka
- Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabic-labse-Matryoshka
- Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Marbert-all-nli-triplet-Matryoshka
- Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabic-MiniLM-L12-v2-all-nli-triplet
Or the collection with all: Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/arabic-matryoshka-embedding-models-666f764d3b570f44d7f77d4e

My personal favourite is likely Omartificial-Intelligence-Space/Arabert-all-nli-triplet-Matryoshka: a very efficient 135M parameters & scores #1 on mteb/leaderboard.

Thank you @tomaarsen Tom Aarsen for highlighting the work! It's thrilling to see the models performing so well on the MTEB leaderboard.

The effort in training on the extensive dataset of 558k Arabic triplets and utilizing the Matryoshka loss truly paid off. I'm particularly proud of the Arabert-all-nli-triplet-Matryoshka model, which balances efficiency and performance exceptionally well.

I hope these models will significantly benefit the Arabic NLP community.

Thanks again for the support and acknowledgment!