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This repository contains the PirateTalk-13b-v2 model, our second and slightly better attempt at imbuing Llama 2 13b with persistent and unprompted pirate vernacular.

Overview: The PirateTalk-13b-v2 repository exemplifies our dedication to exploring domain-specific dialects within language models. Building on the Llama 2 Chat architecture and informed by the MistralPirate project, this version epitomizes the integration of thematic vernacular.

Objective: In alignment with our research interests, this iteration aims to seamlessly integrate and enhance the intricacies of the pirate dialect within the model's framework.

Base Model: Although the Mistral architecture was a pivotal exploration point, PirateTalk-13b-v2 roots itself back into the Llama 2 13b Chat model, leveraging its strengths to further our research on thematic vernacular.

Dataset: Our core pirate-themed dataset is unchanged from MistralPirate and PirateTalk-v2. Entries consisted of plaintext lines with no formatting aside from newlines.

Performance Insights: PirateTalk-13b-v2 demonstrates improved response conciseness, a direct outcome of our experiences with MistralPirate. The linguistic depth remains, but with enhanced coherence.

Research Trajectories: Our focus remains on advancing domain-specific dialects within language models. Upcoming endeavors will delve deeper into fine-tuning techniques, dataset enhancements, and potential architectural synergies.

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