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Fine-tuning of wav2vec2-large-lv60 on 100h of Librispeech training data. Results are a bit worse than those reported in the Appendix in Table 3 of the original paper.

Model was trained on librispeech-clean-train.100 with following hyper-parameters:

  • 2 GPUs Titan RTX
  • Total update steps 17500
  • Batch size per GPU: 16 corresponding to a total batch size of ca. ~750 seconds
  • Adam with linear decaying learning rate with 3000 warmup steps
  • dynamic padding for batch
  • fp16
  • attention_mask was used during training

Check: https://wandb.ai/patrickvonplaten/huggingface/reports/Project-Dashboard--Vmlldzo0OTI0OTc?accessToken=8azw8iyxnbiqd4ytxcgm4hbnfh3x1b2c9l2eyfqfzdqw7l0icreljc9qpx0rkl6f

Result (WER) on Librispeech test:

"clean" "other"
4.0 10.3
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