Fix tokenizer_config.json EOS token

by compilade - opened

After converting this model to GGUF for use with llama.cpp, I noticed the model kept rambling.

When checking the logs with all the token ids of the output, it seemed to continue even though the 50279 token (aka <|im_end|> in this model) kept appearing. This led me to check which token was the EOS token in the GGUF, and it was the token 0 (aka <|endoftext|> in this model).

So I found that the EOS token was not correctly set in tokenizer_config.json and changed it to <|im_end|> (and then reconverted the model to GGUF to test it), and no more rambling!

compilade changed pull request status to open
pansophic changed pull request status to merged

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