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Tweet Classification into multiple Artificial Intelligence related Categories

This respository contains a bert model finetuned to classify a tweet/linkedin post. The model is trained as a multi label predictor, which will return multiple categories for each input. Model is trained on following 8 categories :

'AI News', 'AI Tools', 'AI Research', 'AI Models', 'AI Usecases','AI Open Source', 'Podcasts/Talks/Events', 'AI Opinions','Non AI'


model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained( model_path, )

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_path)

from transformers import pipeline

classify_tweet = pipeline("text-classification", model=model,tokenizer = tokenizer,return_all_scores=True)

output = classify_tweet (your text)

Labels used:

  • LABEL_0 = 'AI News'
  • LABEL_1 = 'AI Tools'
  • LABEL_2 = 'AI Research'
  • LABEL_3 = 'AI Models'
  • LABEL_4 = 'AI Usecases'
  • LABEL_5 = 'AI Open Source'
  • LABEL_6 = 'Podcasts/Talks/Events'
  • LABEL_7 = 'Opinions'
  • LABEL_8 = 'Non AI'
Downloads last month
Model size
108M params
Tensor type
Inference API
This model can be loaded on Inference API (serverless).

Dataset used to train omerarshad/ai_tweet_classifier