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Base model: 01-ai/Yi-6B

The Yi series models are the next generation of open-source large language models trained from scratch by 01.AI.

🙌 Targeted as a bilingual language model and trained on 3T multilingual corpus, the Yi series models become one of the strongest LLM worldwide, showing promise in language understanding, commonsense reasoning, reading comprehension, and more. For example,

For English language capability, the Yi series models ranked 2nd (just behind GPT-4), outperforming other LLMs (such as LLaMA2-chat-70B, Claude 2, and ChatGPT) on the AlpacaEval Leaderboard in Dec 2023.

For Chinese language capability, the Yi series models landed in 2nd place (following GPT-4), surpassing other LLMs (such as Baidu ERNIE, Qwen, and Baichuan) on the SuperCLUE in Oct 2023.

🙏 (Credits to LLaMA) Thanks to the Transformer and LLaMA open-source communities, as they reducing the efforts required to build from scratch and enabling the utilization of the same tools within the AI ecosystem.

If you're interested in Yi's adoption of LLaMA architecture and license usage policy, see Yi's relation with LLaMA. ⬇️

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Model size
6.06B params
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