Request: DOI

by ivancersosimo - opened


I am Student at Charles III University of Madrid and I am currently working on my final degree project. The NLPtown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment model has significantly contributed to the success of my project. Therefore, I kindly request the required information for citing this model accurately in my work. Specifically, I would like to know the following details:

  1. Full Names of the Model's Creators
  2. Date of Publication or Release
  3. Official Title or Name of the Model
  4. Any Relevant DOI or Unique Identifier

Thank you

ivancersosimo changed discussion status to closed
ivancersosimo changed discussion status to open

Hi Ivan, great to hear you found our model helpful. You can list the creator as "Yves Peirsman" and refer to the model by its HuggingFace id: nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment. The model was created originally in February 2020. Hope this helps!

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