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Converted from https://huggingface.co/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-Sigma to Diffusers format

NOTE: At the moment this model requires changes to Diffusers in order to work. Apply the following changes locally if you want to try it out:

Diffusers Patch

example Example:

from diffusers import AutoencoderKL, PixArtAlphaPipeline, Transformer2DModel
import torch

dtype = torch.bfloat16
device = "cuda"

transformer = Transformer2DModel.from_pretrained("niklasku/PixArt-Sigma-XL-2-1024-MS", torch_dtype=dtype, use_safetensors=True).to(device)
pipe = PixArtAlphaPipeline.from_pretrained("PixArt-alpha/pixart_sigma_sdxlvae_T5_diffusers", torch_dtype=dtype, use_safetensors=True, transformer=transformer).to(device)

image = pipe(prompt="Happy dreamy owl monster sitting on a tree branch, colorful glittering particles, forest background, detailed feathers.").images[0]

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