Model fine-tuning does not work well

by rqh - opened


I am trying to fine-tune ProtGPT2 using a training dataset of about 10000 sequences. However, the loss of the train set and the validation set is always around 3. I have tried adjusting data size and the learning rate, but nothing seemed to work. Has anyone else run into this?

"python --model_name_or_path nferruz/ProtGPT2 --train_file /home/dell/train.txt --tokenizer_name nferruz/ProtGPT2 --do_train --do_eval --output_dir /home/dell/result --learning_rate 1e-06 --num_train_epochs 30 --gradient_accumulation_steps=4 --per_device_train_batch_size=8 --overwrite_output_dir --gradient_checkpointing=True --fp16=True --logging_steps 1 --evaluation_strategy epoch --validation_split_percentage 10"

Thanks in advance!

Hi rqh,

The loss sounds fine to me (as long as your curves look good). The loss never went very low in numbers for us as well, although it reached a plateau for more than half of the epochs. I assumed it was due to the large vocabulary size (>52000). For our second model, we reached much lower losses as the vocabulary only has 20 tokens. I'd focus more on the quality of the generated sequences. We've seen huge differences among different trainings. If your protein of interest is an enzyme I highly recommend using ZymCTRL instead.

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