Tokenizer's vocab size and config.json's vocab_size mismatch!

by Yhyu13 - opened


When inferencing with vllm, I encoutnered this error :

I found the vocab_size in config.json has shown a vocab size of 52100

But by checking out tokenizer.config, the max token id is 50294
And when counting number of tokens in vocab.sjon file, there is only 50257 tokens.

I solved the previously mentioned vllm sampler error by limiting vocab_size from 52100 to 50257 in the config.json file

Could any one explain which is the correctly number of tokens to use?


Microsoft org

Using self.sampler = Sampler(config.tokenizer_vocab_size) will use the correct number of tokens we used to train Phi-2 (50295, from 0 to 50294).

gugarosa changed discussion status to closed

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