Clearly something is wrong in debarta models, fails the simplest example!

by mshenoda - opened

Running the following "default" example input:

"Paris is the [MASK] of France."

It gives the following output:

"score": 0.0018945893971249461,
"token": 6502,
"token_str": "idd",
"sequence": "Paris is theidd of France."
"score": 0.0012056089472025633,
"token": 12326,
"token_str": "race",
"sequence": "Paris is therace of France."
"score": 0.0011407239362597466,
"token": 35884,
"token_str": "ulpt",
"sequence": "Paris is theulpt of France."
"score": 0.0010635541984811425,
"token": 19605,
"token_str": "angled",
"sequence": "Paris is theangled of France."
"score": 0.0010488962288945913,
"token": 9056,
"token_str": "raw",
"sequence": "Paris is theraw of France."

The issue seems to be the same regardless of the model size!

I was hoping this outperform the roberta model from facebook AI, but clearly not!

Perhaps something related to the model config on Huggingface!

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