Request: DOI

by narendrapatelegn - opened

Currently evaluating Llama3-3-8B.

osanseviero changed discussion status to closed

@osanseviero , I still get below error while accessing Llama3-3-8B. I am passing my HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN as well as an env variable.

OSError: You are trying to access a gated repo.
Make sure to have access to it at
403 Client Error. (Request ID: Root=1-664e078b-40e87b15091bc2df01d3b22f;d3fab6e4-1132-47cc-9e02-54364b5c54b3)

Cannot access gated repo for url
Access to model meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B is restricted and you are not in the authorized list. Visit to ask for access.

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