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Model trained on Hindi and English data.

Try it out: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1A_hbsq1vrCeAh3dEMvtwxxNxcNZ1BUyW?usp=sharing

For sample responose on different prompts checkout: https://github.com/manishiitg/hi-llm-eval

Language Hi

Model implicit_hate flores indicwikibio hellaswag-indic truthfulqa-hi boolq-hi indicheadline indic-arc-easy indicqa indic-arc-challenge indicsentiment xlsum-hi indicxparaphrase mmlu_hi
open-aditi-hi-v2 11.5021 43.6822 0.4846 0.2404 0.6934 0.8541 0.4565 0.4979 0.0795 0.4462 0.9729 0.4213 0.6838 0.3253
OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B 0.2068 30.3465 0.3332 0.2485 0.3234 0.5979 0.1996 0.3523 0.2721 0.3396 0.9048 0.1774 0.8766 0.2769
open-aditi-hi-v1 8.6105 40.2376 0.4104 0.0848 0.4230 0.3758 0.4248 0.3889 0.1306 0.3558 0.8798 0.4212 0.5939 0.1398
Airavata 0.0663 58.0555 0.0637 0.0254 0.2122 0.0373 0.4346 0.1128 0.1008 0.0836 0.8437 0.4650 0.3277 0.1336

Language En

Model boolq hellaswag mmlu truthfulqa xlsum arc-easy-exact arc-challenge
OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B 0.4061 0.7999 0.5991 0.2081 0.4328 0.8687 0.7790
open-aditi-hi-v2 0.3982 0.4738 0.5544 0.2999 0.4349 0.8388 0.7235
open-aditi-hi-v1 0.0434 0.3509 0.2597 0.3317 0.4288 0.7588 0.6271
Airavata 0.0437 0.0277 0.1165 0.3586 0.4393 0.2534 0.1630

Task: flores Metric: chrf

Task: implicit_hate Metric: chrf

Task: indicsentiment Metric: accuracy

Task: indicxparaphrase Metric: accuracy

Task: boolq-hi Metric: accuracy

Task: truthfulqa-hi Metric: accuracy

Task: indic-arc-easy Metric: accuracy

Task: indicwikibio Metric: bleurt

Task: xlsum-hi Metric: bleurt

Task: indicheadline Metric: bleurt

Task: indic-arc-challenge Metric: accuracy

Task: mmlu_hi Metric: average_acc

Task: indicqa Metric: accuracy

Task: hellaswag-indic Metric: accuracy

Task: arc-easy-exact Metric: accuracy

Task: hellaswag Metric: accuracy

Task: arc-challenge Metric: accuracy

Task: mmlu Metric: average_acc

Task: xlsum Metric: bleurt

Task: boolq Metric: accuracy

Task: truthfulqa Metric: accuracy

Model evaluation on OpenLLM LeaderBoard



Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results

Detailed results can be found here

Metric Value
Avg. 59.31
AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot) 59.39
HellaSwag (10-Shot) 82.01
MMLU (5-Shot) 61.41
TruthfulQA (0-shot) 45.84
Winogrande (5-shot) 77.19
GSM8k (5-shot) 30.02
Downloads last month
Model size
7.24B params
Tensor type
Inference API
Input a message to start chatting with manishiitg/open-aditi-hi-v2.
Model is too large to load in Inference API (serverless). To try the model, launch it on Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.
Invalid base_model specified in model card metadata. Needs to be a model id from hf.co/models.

Collection including manishiitg/open-aditi-hi-v2

Evaluation results