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This model is a fine-tuned version of facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53 on the common_voice dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:

  • Loss: 1.0154
  • Wer: 0.6350

Model description

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Intended uses & limitations

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Training and evaluation data

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Training procedure

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 0.0005
  • train_batch_size: 8
  • eval_batch_size: 1
  • seed: 42
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: 8
  • total_train_batch_size: 64
  • optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • lr_scheduler_warmup_steps: 3000
  • num_epochs: 50
  • mixed_precision_training: Native AMP

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Wer
3.0355 2.36 400 3.0286 1.0
0.7999 4.73 800 0.8623 0.8067
0.4485 7.1 1200 0.6920 0.6651
0.3719 9.47 1600 0.6361 0.6591
0.3401 11.83 2000 0.6967 0.6497
0.3222 14.2 2400 0.6697 0.6246
0.3094 16.57 2800 0.7282 0.6537
0.2822 18.93 3200 0.8019 0.6816
0.2446 21.3 3600 0.7622 0.6608
0.235 23.67 4000 0.8644 0.6780
0.2362 26.04 4400 0.9083 0.6710
0.206 28.4 4800 0.8243 0.6598
0.1765 30.77 5200 0.8614 0.6647
0.1458 33.14 5600 0.8907 0.6447
0.1544 35.5 6000 0.9059 0.6523
0.2402 18.88 6400 0.9639 0.6970
0.2026 20.06 6800 0.9868 0.6817
0.185 21.24 7200 1.0043 0.6936
0.1951 22.42 7600 0.8918 0.6795
0.1933 23.6 8000 0.9367 0.6826
0.2272 24.78 8400 0.8540 0.6792
0.1922 25.96 8800 0.8983 0.6657
0.1547 27.14 9200 0.9742 0.6747
0.1579 28.32 9600 0.9066 0.6668
0.1642 29.5 10000 0.9440 0.6790
0.1726 30.68 10400 0.9654 0.6813
0.1656 31.86 10800 0.9880 0.6801
0.1741 33.04 11200 0.9707 0.6584
0.1494 34.22 11600 0.9801 0.6709
0.1482 35.4 12000 0.9258 0.6646
0.14 36.58 12400 0.9802 0.6635
0.142 37.76 12800 0.9268 0.6524
0.1281 38.94 13200 0.9615 0.6587
0.1051 40.12 13600 0.9721 0.6495
0.1074 41.3 14000 1.0045 0.6582
0.0879 42.48 14400 1.0290 0.6516
0.1015 43.66 14800 1.0514 0.6556
0.0932 44.84 15200 1.0287 0.6450
0.1008 46.02 15600 0.9940 0.6399
0.0968 47.2 16000 1.0206 0.6368
0.0858 48.38 16400 1.0452 0.6361
0.0886 49.56 16800 1.0154 0.6350

Framework versions

  • Transformers 4.11.3
  • Pytorch 1.10.1+cu102
  • Datasets 1.13.3
  • Tokenizers 0.10.3
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Dataset used to train maher13/arabic-iti

Space using maher13/arabic-iti 1