Python library version recommendation

by tonyaw - opened

I'm trying to use a CPU server to run vicuna-13b-delta-v0 via huggingface pipeline.
Unfortunately, I got non-sense result.
One possibility is I'm using wrong version of Python library.
Could you please help to provide the recommended Python library version?
What I'm using:

My code:
`model_name = "./models/vicuna-13b-delta-v0"

import torch
converse = pipeline("conversational", model=model_name)

conversation_1 = Conversation("Going to the movies tonight - any suggestions?")
conversation_2 = Conversation("What's the last book you have read?")
result = converse([conversation_1, conversation_2])"result=%s", result)`

I got nonsense result:
result=[Conversation id: 0fd4b846-ecb0-40df-804c-a036d5204303
user >> Going to the movies tonight - any suggestions?
bot >> Auflage occasionally.¡ª [ [
, Conversation id: 32f1e750-6021-4c7a-827f-3a8cf1bcff98
user >> What's the last book you have read?
Raf > {\ gathered;

Could you please guide me what I missed?
Thanks very much in advance!

Large Model Systems Organization org

NOTE: This "delta model" cannot be used directly.
Users have to apply it on top of the original LLaMA weights to get actual Vicuna weights.
See for instructions.

lmzheng changed discussion status to closed

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