"llama.cpp error: 'error loading model architecture: unknown model architecture: 'deepseek2''"

by ZeroCool22 - opened
  "title": "Failed to load model",
  "cause": "llama.cpp error: 'error loading model architecture: unknown model architecture: 'deepseek2''",
  "errorData": {
    "n_ctx": 8192,
    "n_batch": 512,
    "n_gpu_layers": 31
  "data": {
    "memory": {
      "ram_capacity": "31.91 GB",
      "ram_unused": "26.74 GB"
    "gpu": {
      "gpu_names": [
        "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti"
      "vram_recommended_capacity": "11.00 GB",
      "vram_unused": "9.98 GB"
    "os": {
      "platform": "win32",
      "version": "10.0.19045",
      "supports_avx2": true
    "app": {
      "version": "0.2.24",
      "downloadsDir": "C:\\Users\\ZeroCool22\\.cache\\lm-studio\\models"
    "model": {}
LM Studio Community org

You need to update to 0.2.25 which you can find on the website lmstudio.ai

You need to update to 0.2.25 which you can find on the website lmstudio.ai

Need to uninstall the old version before or the installer will update the necessary files?


You need to update to 0.2.25 which you can find on the website lmstudio.ai


LM Studio Community org

You can safely ignore that it still works

I'm getting this crazy text sometimes, why it this?


(LM Studio + Anything LLM)


LM Studio Community org

That's been reported elsewhere and I wish I knew what caused it.. I've never seen it locally but I know many others have with no rhyme or reason :/

That's been reported elsewhere and I wish I knew what caused it.. I've never seen it locally but I know many others have with no rhyme or reason :/


Thx for all the great work done with LMS.πŸ‘

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