bling models in different languages

by kailehmann - opened

Hey @doberst thanks a lot for the models, this looks really promising!
i was wondering. do you plan to release models in different languages?

we are currently looking for optimised rag models that can run at scale and locally and this really matches with your models. but we need this to be working in german.

So if you could share parts of your training or maybe your roadmap that would be really helpful and great.

thanks a lot in advance and all the best for you!

llmware org

Thanks for your question re- German. It is not currently on our roadmap, but we would be open to a collaboration if you could help with expertise on the best base models, and good best practices for translating/converting datasets?

(Sorry for the delay - we were heads-down on a new model series called DRAGON - which are 7B parameter versions with similar, but more complex, RAG training than than the BLING models - please feel free to check those out - just published!)

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