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  • This tokenizer was trained using the CulturaX dataset. We sample 1.2 million datapoints at random.
  • This was trained using the SentencePiece by Google.
  • Then the trained tokens were then added to the LlamaTokenizer leading to a total of 49,120 tokens from 32,000 from the original tokenizer.
  • The merging was done according to what the Chinese-Llama-Alpaca's merging did.


from transformers import LlamaTokenizer
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("learninbit/malayalam-llama-2-tokenizer-v0.1")
text = "ഹനഫസ ഹഫഞ്ചഥ ചകഡു ടെണല ഡൃൊമത്തീഴ ടഞ്ഞഭഞ റദ്ധഷ ഌിപത്മഫഥ ടജ്ജഡ്ഡപ്പെവ പഴുണൊ."
tokens = tokenizer.tokenizer(text)
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Dataset used to train learninbit/malayalam-llama-2-tokenizer-v0.1