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Custom Flair model for German emails classification

This is the 21-class model for German email categories classification trained using Flask framework.

Accuracy: 58.04%

Predicts the following classes:

{'__label__1': 'AKTIVIERUNG_SIM',
 '__label__16': 'TARIFE',
 '__label__4': 'GERAETE_UND_ZUBEHOER',
 '__label__5': 'KUENDIGUNGEN',
 '__label__3': 'FREE___EASY',
 '__label__2': 'E_PLUS_ONLINE',
 '__label__13': 'RECHNUNGEN',
 '__label__11': 'NON_VOICE_DIENSTE',
 '__label__8': 'MEHRWERTDIENSTE',
 '__label__9': 'NETZ',
 '__label__10': 'NETZDIENSTE',
 '__label__15': 'STORNO',
 '__label__0': 'AKTIONEN',
 '__label__14': 'R_KUNDEN',
 '__label__20': 'VERTRIEBSPARTNER',
 '__label__12': 'PRAEVENTION',
 '__label__7': 'MAHNUNGEN'}

Based on the bert-base-german-cased embeddings.

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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support flair models for this pipeline type.