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Supervised Finetuning the phi1.5 on MetaMathQA datasets. The results are as follows:

Model GSM8k Pass@1 MATH Pass@1
MPT-7B 6.8 3.0
Falcon-7B 6.8 2.3
LLaMA-1-7B 11.0 2.9
LLaMA-2-7B 14.6 2.5
MPT-30B 15.2 3.1
LLaMA-1-13B 17.8 3.9
GPT-Neo-2.7B 19.5 --
Falcon-40B 19.6 2.5
Baichuan-chat-13B 23.9 --
Vicuna-v1.3-13B 27.6 --
LLaMA-2-13B 28.7 3.9
InternLM-7B 31.2 --
ChatGLM-2-6B 32.4 --
GPT-J-6B 34.9 --
LLaMA-1-33B 35.6 3.9
LLaMA-2-34B 42.2 6.24
RFT-7B 50.3 --
LLaMA-1-65B 50.9 10.6
Qwen-7B 51.6 --
Phi1.5-1.3B 54.3 15.5
WizardMath-7B 54.9 10.7
LLaMA-2-70B 56.8 13.5
WizardMath-13B 63.9 14.0
MAmmoTH-7B (COT) 50.5 10.4
MAmmoTH-7B (POT+COT) 53.6 31.5
Arithmo-Mistral-7B 74.7 25.3
MetaMath-7B 66.5 19.8
MetaMath-13B 72.3 22.4
MetaMath-Mistral-7B 77.7 28.2

It achieves remarkable performance with only 1.3B parameters !!!

You can evaluate the results by metamath evaluation code.

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Model size
1.41B params
Tensor type

Dataset used to train klein-zcy/Phi-1_5-MetaMathQA