Issue Loading Model

by daleas0120 - opened


How was the model saved, or how to load the model? I have tried both tf.keras.models.load_model() and tf.saved_model.load(). Both times, I get the same error "OSError: Cannot parse file b'Object-Detection-RetinaNet/saved_model.pb': Error parsing message with type 'tensorflow.SavedModel'"

I know that the model is being found, because if I intentionally put the wrong path, I get the error message "SavedModel file does not exist at Object-detection-RetinaNet//{saved_model.pbtxt|saved_model.pb}"


I had the same error.

This error is link to git LFS, when I openned my files i saw they were incorrect.

oid sha256:b63e9e21122e676d34a09d795c6548c5fc6a75baf43c007b2a22629c177d1d6c
size 414583

When i re download the project with LFS active the error disapear

I hope this will help you

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