Image sizes bigger than 256x256

by Muhammadreza - opened

Is there any possibilities of bigger images? I get pretty good results, but it seems that image content has no space to show themselves.

I think that the main problem is GPU memory issue. The current version model inferences on 64x64 and SR to 256x256 costing ~10gb VRAM according my test. Higher resolution require much more VRAM that common GPU can not handle and conducting model training will be even more VRAM consuming.

I checked the GPU usage and it's right, it's highly GPU consuming so I close this issue.

Muhammadreza changed discussion status to closed

Futhermore, despite computation resource issue it also could be the reason that kakaobrain provides an APP (cloud service actually) for higher resolution images generation so they do not want to release further superresolution (256x256->1024x1024) checkpoint.

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