Currently the best LLM in german!

by danielplominski - opened

We have tested many LLMs locally on our infrastructure and rate "Llama-2-13b-chat-german" as #1.
On place 2 we see "h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-multilang-2048-falcon-7b".
Then nothing follows for a long time, since many other LLMs do not observe a good context in German.

"Llama-2-13b-chat-german" is currently running reliably at an average of 30 GB VRAM demand in a Proxmox - Ubuntu22 VM setup with NVIDIA Docker Runtime on 4x NVIDIA RTX A4000 as MultiGPU container environment.

Please continue to actively fine tune this LLM ;)

thank you for your kind feedback, will release new tunes soon :-)

Hey there,

I'm struggling to get the model running (see snipped)!

Can you help me with that? Thanks in advance!

Key Error.png

thank you for your kind feedback, will release new tunes soon :-)

When can we expect an update ? I would really appreciate it.

thank you for your kind feedback, will release new tunes soon :-)

When can we expect an update ? I would really appreciate it.

Ha many thanks for the push. Datasets are just being finalized and models will be trained this week.
I spent some time experimenting with pretraining the 7b model on a large German corpus to increase generation quality but this will probably only be ready for the next model version afterwarfds.

Which quantizations/formats are most important? Will try to publish different gptq/gguf versions and 7b/13b/34b versions this time.

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