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This is phi_1-5 fine tuned to generate synthetic tiny chats


input: A joyful conversation between a human and a robot, word - car, verbosity - 4 output: <|system|>

The model generates something like this:

The Joyful Adventure of a Human and a Robot in a Car

<|user|> Hi, Robot! I'm going on an adventure in a car. Do you want to come with me? <|assistant|> Hello, Human! That sounds like so much fun. I've never been in a car before. <|user|> It's going to be amazing. We'll see new places and meet new friends. <|assistant|> I can't wait to see the world from a different perspective. What's the first stop on your adventure? <|user|> The first stop is a beautiful park. We'll have a picnic and play games. <|assistant|> That sounds like a lot of fun. I'll bring my favorite robot toy to play with. <|user|> Great idea! We can have a robot and a human picnic together. <|assistant|> I'm sure it will be a memorable adventure. What's the next stop on your journey? <|user|> The next stop is a big city. We'll see tall buildings and busy streets. <|assistant|> I've never been to a big city before. I'm excited to see all the lights and sounds. <|user|> It's going to be a bit overwhelming, but we'll stick together and have fun. <|assistant|> I'm glad we're going on this adventure together. It's going to be the best. <|user|> Me too, Robot. I'm so glad we're friends. Let's make the most of this adventure. <|assistant|> Definitely, Human. I can't wait to see what else we'll discover on our journey. <|user|> The journey is just beginning. There's so much more to explore and learn. <|assistant|> I'm ready for anything. With you by my side, I know we can do anything. <|user|> That's the spirit, Robot. Together, we can conquer any challenge.

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1.42B params
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