Can I get the bin file of JinaBertForMaskedLM?

by xaccelerator - opened

Can I get the bin file of JinaBertForMaskedLM? I need do further pretrain on this model, I try to load JinaBertForMaskedLM from JinaBertModel, but the train loss down as slow as I train from a new initialized model.

Jina AI org

hi @xaccelerator sorry we have no plan to open source the backbone yet, hopefully you understand.

hi @xaccelerator sorry we have no plan to open source the backbone yet, hopefully you understand.


hi @xaccelerator sorry we have no plan to open source the backbone yet, hopefully you understand.

I try to freeze the param of JinaBertModel and only train the other param in JinaBertForMaskLM,after loss become stable I unfreeze the param and continue train,it works well!

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