Is the vae included here kl-f8-anime?

by xzuyn - opened

I've been wanting to try the kl-f8-anime vae, but I can only find it in .ckpt and format. Somewhere someone listed that it's the waifu diffusion vae, so I'm guessing the safetensors and bin that are included here are kl-f8-anime but named in a more consistent format?

this is same as kl-f8-anime2 (I compared these weights value)

kl-f8-anime2 - 'encoder.conv_in.weight'
tensor([[-0.0163, -0.0705, -0.0105],
[-0.0400, 0.1914, -0.1305],
[-0.0598, 0.1802, 0.0539]], device='cuda:0')

this weight(fp32 bin) - 'encoder.conv_in.weight'
tensor([[-0.0163, -0.0705, -0.0105],
[-0.0400, 0.1914, -0.1305],
[-0.0598, 0.1802, 0.0539]])

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