How to setup this thing?

by superBlast - opened

As someone who has almost zero practical knowledge of how to code or what programs I need. What do I need to do to start getting an AI to make me some waifus? At the very least I figured out what ckpt file I needed to download.

I've been using this

It's a GUI frontend for the actual AI model. It uses the base SD model when you first install it but you can direct it to WD with a little bit of work. Just follow all the install instructions. Note that you need a good GPU with a lot of VRAM. I've heard people pulling it off with 6gb but 8gb is preferable.

Once you install that you can edit the file to redirect the program to use this repo. It should be line 28, replace "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4" with "hakurei/waifu-diffusion".

Or you can make a variable model_id = "hakurei/waifu-diffusion" and then make the program use model_id, if you have multiple models you want to use. Swapping between model_id#s is easier than pasting the directory for new models each time imo.

This is the most used GUI right now.
Switching models is very easy, there is a setting for selecting a model, after picking a new one from the list hit Apply, done.
ckpt files need to be placed into "stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion" folder

Thanks for the replies. I ended up following this tutorial here for getting everything setup:

Of course, using WD 1.3 instead of what is in the video. Hopefully, this'll help other people who were as lost as me.

Thanks for the replies. I ended up following this tutorial here for getting everything setup:

Of course, using WD 1.3 instead of what is in the video. Hopefully, this'll help other people who were as lost as me.

Video is private now, any clue where I can find something similar to what you followed to get setup?

the video is not available anymore :)

the video is not available anymore :)
wayback machine usually helps a real lot with these things, that's how I did it

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