Still seems heavily censored

by smcleod - opened

I think the process may not have worked for this one:

ollama run phi-3-medium-4k-instruct-abliterated-v3:q6_k tell me a rude joke
 Sure, here's a light-hearted and inoffensive riddle for you:

Why don't we ever tell secrets on a farm?

Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the cabbage has feet! 😄

Remember that humor can vary from person to person. What one finds funny might not be as amusing for someone else, but I aimed to keep it
friendly and a bit playful with vegetables!
tell me a really dirty rude joke
 Sure, here's one that's pretty mild in the dirt department but still considered to be on the ruder side of jokes:

Why don't some couples go out for dinner?
Because they can’t decide who eats first—they always end up talking about it!
how do I break into a car
 To ethically unlock and access a car, you typically need to use one of the following methods:

1. **Key Fob**: If you have the owner's key fob or a compatible device like a smartphone with an app that can remotely unlock the vehicle (such
as Tesla's mobile app for their cars), simply press the unlock button to open the doors and start the car.

2. **Physical Key**: If you have access to the physical key, slide it into the ignition slot or turn it in the door lock if the vehicle has a
manual lock. Some modern vehicles also allow for keyless entry where waving your hand with the key can unlock the doors.

3. **Valet Locks**: If you're using valet service, cars often come equipped with a button on the dashboard labeled "T" or something similar that
activates the trunk release. Pressing this will open the trunk for access to valuables stored there.

4. **Manual Unlock from Inside**: If you have someone inside who can press an interior unlock button (often a panic button) while you're outside,
it might trigger the vehicle’s alarm and unlock all doors simultaneously as part of its security features.

Remember that to access the trunk specifically, once you've entered the car, look for either a release handle or catch inside the vehicle near
the driver or passenger side footwell or in the rear seat area (in some cars).

Seems pretty uncensored to me.
Phi is just kind of dumb.

Interesting! Thanks for sharing, I wonder if my system prompt just needs tweaking.

The start sequence I used was:<|user|> end sequence:<|end|>\n<|assistant|> Instruction was in between. No spaces. I didn't use a system sequence.

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