IndexError: index 4 is out of range

by tintwotin - opened

Running this example code:

import torch
import soundfile as sf
from transformers import pipeline

synthesiser = pipeline("text-to-audio", "facebook/musicgen-stereo-small", device="cuda:0", torch_dtype=torch.float16)

music = synthesiser("lo-fi music with a soothing melody", forward_params={"max_new_tokens": 256})

sf.write("musicgen_out.wav", music["audio"][0].T, music["sampling_rate"])

I get this error:

python\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 283, in _get_abs_string_index
raise IndexError(f'index {idx} is out of range')
IndexError: index 4 is out of range

Hey @tintwotin ! Unfortunately, I am not able to reproduce on the latest version of transformers. Could you kindly confirm that you are running the latest PyPi version (or installed from main)?

pip install -U transformers

If you upgrade the library as detailed above, re-run the code-snippet, and the issue still persists, could you please post the output of the command:

transformers-cli env

Many thanks!

I had several python side-package installation folders on the hdd, and I needed to clean out all of them. And now it works. Thank you!

tintwotin changed discussion status to closed

I ran into this issue too, and was able to resolve it by upgrading transformers from 4.35.2 to 4.36.0.dev0
Instead of installing transformer directly from pip pip install transformers, I followed the readme and did pip install --upgrade git+ instead.
Hope this helps someone else!

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