LlaMa 2

by Peeepy - opened

Would you retrain Chronos 13b on LLaMa 2 13b? It would be amazing if you would. Thanks!

It was released a few hours ago. I'll evaluate both 13b models then see how my pipeline handles it. Answer is most likely yes, though I don't have access to compute right now.

Hi, can you also make a 7B of it please. I don't have a powerful pc & your Chronos is really good.

@elinas yes, please make one

@IkariDev Hey, I know you from somewhere... ;-)

@elinas I'm willing to chip in if need be to get access to some decent compute for Chronos 2.

I'm also willing to chip in.

add me on discord: elinas

If you want to donate, you can do so here. All proceeds will go toward Chronos Llama v2

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